Join our three-hour introductory workshop to learn about the key pillars of residential and industrial property investing in Singapore.
Who this workshop is for
Potential investors who are keen acquire the skills needed to build a residential and industrial property investment portfolio.
What you will learn
We will share with you the three key pillars of residential and industrial property investing in Singapore and why they are important:
- Concept of Below Market Value (BMV) investing
- Importance of generating Positive Cash Flow from your property
- Strategies for earning Infinite Returns from your investment property
Proptiply Board Game
To enable you to fully grasp the key investment pillars, you will also get the opportunity to play our specially-created proprietary Proptiply Board Game.
Tailored for a Singapore audience and based on real opportunities in Singapore’s property investment scene, you will encounter deals which are good, bad, inflated or even unethical.
Simulating real-life scenarios in an engaging and experiential way, the game is designed to showcase how the decisions you make will impact whether you get to enjoy positive returns from your investment, get stuck with losses or get “burnt” completely through bad choices. By seeing your actions play out, you will understand which are the sound property investment choices you should make and which are those you should avoid.
We will also share how you can use your property to earn a decent income through Shared Spaces.
Join us for a fun learning experience at our workshop! We hope to see you there.